Picture DOUG as that friendly neighbor who only uses your computer's power when you're not actively using it, and he makes sure to get your approval first. He then shares this power with the world, essentially creating a global brain. In today's AI-driven world, where the demand for processing power is ever-increasing, DOUG introduces the wonders of decentralization, ensuring benefits for all while respecting your control over your resources.


In a world where artificial intelligence barely scratches the surface of knowledge, DOUG comes forth as the embodiment of the future. Ever thought about earning money while your computer just sits there? Well, by selling its idle power for artificial intelligence tasks, you can do just that! It's like having your computer work a side gig for you while you kick back and relax


The need for computing power is only growing. Being able to connect remotely to a global brain to move your projects forward is a game changer. Also, in a context of datacenters consuming an absurd amount of energy, decentralizing compute power has a greener approach.